Promo abuse – including the exploitation of platform discounts, sign-up incentives, referral bonuses and monopolisation of limited-time deals – is rampant across online businesses globally. To carry out promo abuse, fraud syndicates use app cloners and tampered apps to create fake accounts at scale. This not only hurts return on investments towards user acquisition but also makes it unfair for genuine users who miss out on these benefits.
Delivery partners can also use malicious tools and techniques to falsify their location and meet targets and unfairly collect incentives they have not earned. These impact Delivery Partners’ perception of platform fairness and hence their experience with the platform.
SHIELD’s device-first risk AI platform has enhanced the Swiggy Trust & Safety team’s capabilities to proactively detect fraud and abuse on the Swiggy platform, by accurately detecting fraudulent devices as well as the use of malicious tools and techniques.
Gautam Sehgal, Director, SHIELD, added, “Swiggy has established itself as the standard for convenience within the competitive Indian market, and SHIELD is proud to support Swiggy in establishing itself as the standard for trust and fairness as well.”
Business Wire India